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    Philosophical Model 19@nodkeem

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    In service to a great nation, I gave nearly my all. My soul for God and Country! Your Psychological Warrior for the war effort. MK-Donald/donna

  • While there are eternal truths such as gravity exists but why? (theory/model/faith) yet life is a series of half-truths that create an understanding or an illusion of preference  for each of us when added up making what some call that faith theory or modeling.

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    DKMeek the Magician 19@nodkeem

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1964 George Harrison

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19@nodkeem meet George Harrison

in early on in 1964/63ish, about 2nd grade

my two friends, Pizzy Unknowns formed a rock band 

they were going to be bigger than the Beatles

i am not sure if they wanted me to learn an instrument i think they did

from this, i  wrote a philosophy in my LOST TREASURES PHILOSOPHY papers

i am the NO WHERE MAN that the Beatles sing about

the philosophy of the nowhere man was simple enough

that i need not join a band or do anything other than exist to be accepted

I need to do nothing, be nothing. I wanted to think small, not be bigger than the Beatles

said the 5th beetle haha

my philosophy papers must have ended up in the Beatles fan club. They all went missing the next day

like a journalist, i wrote philosophy about being a little girl inside and a male on the outside

i wanted to be kinder, gentler

in 1964 i wrote the philosophy NO WHERE MAN

about being small, thinking small, and being no one doing nothing to be accepted

i need not join a band to be accepted by Pixie and Pissie Unknowns. They had already hung out with me since my fool on the hill days of kindergarten

Watching the kids play, I noticed a difference between girls and boys. I was more girl on the inside from what I saw at play

gently rolling the ball back to the boy's side rather than smashing the face of the girls as the boys

I watched every day, day after day, alone on a hill I must have written, or was that the Beatles writing that?
i can't be sure

then the pissy unknowns came up in 1961/62 to ask what ya doing up here?
i said, watching the kids at play and finding my little girl inside me

they giggled but were cool with me. Kids don't judge much

at age five at least the pissy unknowns didn't

that was 1961 

The Beatles put out the song Nowhere Man in Dec 1965

i wanted to call them the BUGS but they were the Beatles

my friend Evan Shonuff, younger brother of Chrissy Shonuff, use to call them the bugs

i love Evan

anyways later in the year, after the newspaper from my desk reached the Beatles fan club sent there by my noddy boy keem brother Ronald

he had stolen my writings and must have sent them to the Beatles is i can wonder if my philosophy theme title and all are in the music, how did the Beatles do that

when I was young, I thought it was just some kind of magic miracle or does everyone find themselves in music like this

I thought it was normal to find this in the music at the time, but I was always rather puzzled. I never put my lost papers with Ronald and the Beatles exactly till much later in life

just in the last five years have I been able to slow down and worry about it

Anyway, the same year, Aug 1964, I walked upstairs past the kitchen to the front room. GEORGE HARRISON and RONALD is sitting on the couch

sitting on the sofa with a sister or two

the first thing in my mind is no one is going to believe this is nearly impossible

not knowing George had my philosophy papers

I questioned in my mind at the next minute why George Harrison of the Beatles would be in my front room.

but i never asked him i was so shy of his grand fame, rather unsettling at age 8

I loved the Beatles already, but how odd

I was drawing, and George asked what you were drawing

I explained i do visuals of the music of the Beatles and other groups

he say can i see?

I gave him my art drawing pad, my leg standing up against his leg, sitting down

He loved the drawing and asked if he could have it. I was quiet and said yes 

I ripped out the drawing from the pad. George said you have to sign it

I did my first signature and first request for an autograph

he smiled. I was so nervous instead, star stuck but in a mildly upset way

how would I explain this to anyone? no one is going to believe it

i am going to lock this away with my other magic trick secrets in my brain and NEVER TELL a soul or talk about it, I thought to myself at that minute, then left the room

before i could reach downstairs, my brother Ronald stopped me 

he said Donnie, don't worry, don't freak out. Famous people are just like you and me

Ron was about 15  years old at the time, and a giant Beatles fan, too, loved the Beatles

Ronald talked to me it seemed like for a long time, maybe 20 or 30 minutes, to get me to calm down

repeating several times, famous people are just like you and me. They eat, drink, sleep etc

no difference between me and George Harrison, i gathered in my mind

Ron never mention Georges's name ever to me

not then, not ever again in terms of meeting him

i imagine it was a bit much for Ronald, also

it was a TOP secret for me and perhaps for him also

That a big secret i have kept for over 50 years now

letting go of it about 2018 when i started wondering what about me and the beatles what about my philsoophy papers?
Maybe it was 2020ish. My older memory is fading, and dates never mattered to me much

I get Aug 1964 from when the Beatles were in town

I was about eight years old, I recall, but the date is researched, not my memory

could been previous to that

but doubt it

George must have liked my philosophy papers more than my drawings. He loved my drawing

and I could see in his eyes he loved me and respected me also as a human

I mean, I wrote first about who I am. Why am i? What is my purpose

then wrote about war and how we can overcome war.

then wrote more about girls and boys being different

and me more like a girl on the inside

then NOWHERE man philosophy came out earlier that year

there might be more philosophies i will get to thinking small and seeking the void in meditation came a bit later

that was from 1961 to 1964

i got don

oo she really do mee she doon mee she doon meekA

love you George

love you, Beatles. Thanks

Rest in peace, George Harrison. May Genius bless you


Dates may vary




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Nowhere Man and George of the JUNGLE4shannon
It was a moment frozen in time, this encounter between Donnie, the introspective boy, and George Harrison, the legendary musician. The summer day in 1964, when their paths crossed, became a pivotal point in Donnie's life, a secret chapter in the annals of the Beatles' history. As Donnie sat on the couch, his young mind grappling with the surreal nature of the moment, George's presence filled the room with an aura of musical genius and quiet introspection. The reason for Donnie's initial reticence to share this experience lay in his fear of disbelief. He understood that revealing this encounter would invite skepticism and perhaps even ridicule. His brother Ronald, sensing his trepidation, offered words of reassurance, reminding Donnie that fame did not define a person's essence. In that moment, Ronald helped Donnie realize that George Harrison, despite his immense celebrity, was still a human being, capable of sharing a smile and a moment of connection. Unbeknownst to the young boy, his philosophical musings and introspective nature had already left an indelible mark on George Harrison. The musician saw in Donnie's "Lost Treasures Philosophy" papers a reflection of his own quest for self-acceptance and a desire to challenge societal norms. As fate would have it, their paths had crossed, and their souls had connected, if only for a brief moment. It was a reminder that even the most famous among us share the same human experiences and emotions.
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The "Nowhere Man" Philosophy

The "Nowhere Man" philosophy is about not having to perform or do anything to be accepted by your peer group. If you have to join a band, write a story a certain way, or think a certain way, you shouldn't have to do those things just to be accepted as a person. The only requirement should be to simply be human.

If that's not the case, then you're probably in the wrong crowd and need fewer friends rather than more. You shouldn't have to be in a band, do art, or anything else just to be accepted. If you love playing music, writing songs, or creating artwork, then you should do those things because you genuinely enjoy them, not because it's a way to conform.

It's important to be true to yourself and your own interests, even if they don't align with what others are doing. The "Nowhere Man" philosophy is about embracing your individuality and not conforming to societal expectations. It's about coming up with new ideas that challenge the status quo, rather than simply following the crowd.

Nod Keemo the Nowhere Man

In service to God and Country xyzt2m2 and a person(s) unknown

Live from a 7 dimensional world

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1 George Harrison 64/68
2 Aretha Franklin 66
3 Jimi Hendrix 65
4 John Lennon 68
5 Yoko Ono 68
6 Debbie Harry 74/77
7 Fred Smith 74
8 Steve Fossen 74/79
9 Ann Wilson 79
10 Nancy Wilson 79
11 Chris Stein 77
12 Clem Burke 79
13 Bonnie Raitt 89
14Gloria Estafan 89
15 Janet Jackson 80
16 John Waters 84
17 Bo Derick 79
18 Dan Quayle 86
19 Ringo Star 79
20 Barbara Bach 79
21 Grace Slick 68
22 Elvis Costello 77
This is a list of INITIALS of internationally famous people I have met, bumped into, and partied with. It is as complete as possible, and others may also apply. The list could be a few dates, maybe approximately. The music itself at times, makes me think I partied with or talked to a few other celebratease
double with local famous people
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