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    THE MAGICIAN 19@nodkeem.com


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  • My Minimalistic/EN-CODED/musical/parallels

    philosophical model 19@nodkeem

    DE-CODED CREDITS are embedded within most pieces here.


    are these my laurels showing?


    the phonetical lyric sheets are a modern form of the interpretation of tongues


    Illusions like this are in the music for me perhaps my laurels are like the color yellow here and they do NOT exist but I hear them???
    My poor laurels


Lyric: Day Tripper

gotta good reason

for taking the easy way out

donna andresen

for taking the easy way out now

she was a gay tripper

one way ticket yeah

it took me so long to find out and I found out


she a bit teaser/teetha

she took me half the way there

she a big keitha

she took me half the way there now

she was a gay tripper 

one way ticket yeah

it took me so long to find out and I found doubt



donald meeka

she only plays one-night stands

tryta peleeka

she only plays one-night stands

she was a gay trooper 

sunday/oneday driver yeah

it took me so long to find out and eye found out


gay trooper  yeah

gay trooper yeah

gay trooper 

gay trooper yeah

gay tripper


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gotta good reason

for taking the easy way out

donna andresen

for taking the easy way out now

she was a gay tripper

one way ticket yeah

it took me so long to find out and I found out


she a bit teaser/teetha

she took me half the way there

she a big keitha

she took me half the way there now

she was a gay tripper 

one way ticket yeah

it took me so long to find out and I found doubt



donald meeka

she only plays one-night stands

tryta peleeka

she only plays one-night stands

she was a gay trooper 

sunday/oneday driver yeah

it took me so long to find out and eye found out


gay trooper  yeah

gay trooper yeah

gay trooper 

gay trooper yeah

gay tripper






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